Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
This statement is made on behalf of AVK Solicitors and Advocates pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It outlines the steps we have taken to mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations and supply chain.
Company Overview
AVK Solicitors and Advocates operates as a limited company registered in England and Wales. Our principal activity is providing legal services. We are regulated in each jurisdiction where we operate, including by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales. Given that we are a regulated legal practice employing primarily legal professionals and qualified support staff, we consider the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations to be relatively low.
Supply Chain and Risk Assessment
Our supply chain mainly comprises goods necessary for legal services to our clients. Our procurement team, based in London, supports the sourcing and purchasing processes across the firm. To identify and assess potential involvement in modern slavery, we risk-rate suppliers based on factors such as the location of services and goods and the sectors involved. We recognize that suppliers outside the UK might present a higher risk of modern slavery.
Modern Slavery Strategy and Due Diligence
Our modern slavery strategy and due diligence process, developed and reviewed by our Procurement and Risk and Compliance teams, ensure a coordinated approach across the firm. Key steps we take include:
• Due Diligence Questionnaire: All suppliers must complete this questionnaire, committing to respect international human rights and comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We do not renew or award contracts to suppliers presenting a risk of modern slavery.
• Employee Education: We provide mandatory modern slavery e-learning for all new starters and annual refresher training for all staff. Our policies are accessible on the firm’s intranet.
• Whistleblowing Facility: This confidential mechanism allows individuals to report suspicions of impropriety, aiding in the detection and prevention of modern slavery.
• Low-Risk Locations: Our offices and suppliers are based in low-risk locations.
• Supplier Agreements: We seek supplier agreement to our standard terms, including compliance with applicable laws and our Modern Slavery Policy.
Commitment to Ethical Conduct
AVK Solicitors and Advocates is committed to ethical conduct and has a zero-tolerance policy against human trafficking and slavery. Our policies, reviewed annually, include:
• Anti-Slavery Policy: Ensures compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
• Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy: Promotes integrity and counteracts bribery and corruption.
• Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Policy: Ensures compliance with relevant regulations and legislation.
• Procurement and Supplier Management Policy: Ensures thorough vetting and management of suppliers.
• Responsible Business Policy: Promotes a positive impact on communities.
• Recruitment Policy and Screening and Vetting Policy: Ensures proper vetting of employees.
• Rewards Policy: Ensures fair and transparent remuneration practices.
• Whistleblowing Policy: Provides protection for whistleblowers and ensures thorough investigation of concerns.
• Equality and Diversity Policy: Promotes dignity and respect in all relationships and compliance with relevant legislation.
Ongoing Measures
We regularly review our policies and processes regarding modern slavery. We also engage externally to stay updated on best practices and data related to modern slavery. Ongoing measures include:
• Screening new suppliers and confirming their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act.
• Ensuring satisfactory responses to our Due Diligence Questionnaire from all suppliers.
• Reviewing key policies and supplier terms.
• Providing ongoing training on modern slavery awareness.
• Risk assessing our existing supply chain.